We are very fortunate to live close to trails in the Angeles National Forest.  These multi-use trails can be very busy, especially on weekends.

Please show courtesy to all trail users and help make it a great experience for everyone.

-Obey Covid-19 guidelines to always wear a face covering in public and maintain physical distancing from others.

-Observe trail right-of-ways rules:

-Bicyclists yield to hikers and horses.  Come to a full stop and step to the side to give the right of way.

-Hikers yield to horses.

-Hikers coming uphill have the right of way.  If you’re descending
the trail, step aside and give space to the people coming up.

-Bikers should use bells so others can hear them coming.

-Always keep your dog leashed.  Do not allow your dog to
wander freely.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 36, Chapter II, Sec 261.8 (d)

-Please always clean up after your dog.